After you have read my article on redirecting all traffic to https, you discovered that some content is not appearing correctly anymore.
For the finance blog I am supporting, this is the case for some pages like “10 goldene Regeln für binaere Optionen” were http content is embedded. In this case it is an external javascript (unfortunately, you should try to avoid this whenever possible) that could not be served using https.
So, we needed an exception to do this.
In your server {} configuration for port 80 (non-ssl) add this:
location ^~ /10-goldene-regeln-fur-den-handel-mit-binaren-optionen {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
In the configuration for port 443 (ssl / https) add this:
location /10-goldene-regeln-fur-den-handel-mit-binaren-optionen {
return 301 http://$server_name$request_uri;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
Of course you need to adjust that for your needs. This overrides the configuration for the redirect all, for an exception with the URL “/10-goldene-regeln-fur-den-handel-mit-binaren-optionen”